Flares suppression
Associated petroleum
gas conversion units
Associated petroleum gas utilization is one of the priority tasks facing oil and gas enterprises. Burning of the APG has been the solution for many years. Meanwhile, this process is not only a serious threat to the environment, but also a huge economic loss. After all, associated petroleum gas is a valuable product. MKC Group of Companies offers an effective solution – flares suppression in oil and gas fields.
Solutions offered by MKC

The main advantages of these projects
High added value
Fast payback of investments
There are technologies, own production, engineering, service
Projects IRR is more than 25%
Latest offer for mining companies: FLARES SUPPRESSION for FREE (The APG to be burned is taken as payment for the equipment necessary for the flares suppression and APG processing. APG is processed into methane, propane, butane. Methane is used to generate electricity for the field at a discount)