Trigeneration solutions
The MKS Group of Companies proposes optimal solutions on a trigeneration setting up — combined production of electricity, heat and cold. Trigeneration gives a chance to effectively use the utilized heat not only for a winter heating, but also for conditioning of rooms in summer or for technology needs of the enterprise. Absorbing cooling machineries are used for this purpose. Such approach allows to use gas genset installation all the year round, thereby, without reducing its high efficiency during the summer period when the need for the developed heat decreases.
The trigeneration technology is actively applied in the petrochemical industry, metallurgy, chemical industry, on cold storage facilities and dairy plants today and also on sights with centralized scheme of heating, ventilation and conditioning: business centers, shopping centers, distribution centers (food storage bases), data-processing centers (DPC), hospitals, hotels, airports, etc.
The trigeneration technology is actively applied in the petrochemical industry, metallurgy, chemical industry, on cold storage facilities and dairy plants today and also on sights with centralized scheme of heating, ventilation and conditioning: business centers, shopping centers, distribution centers (food storage bases), data-processing centers (DPC), hospitals, hotels, airports, etc.
Trigeneration scheme
The absorbing cooling machinery (ACM, or the absorbing chiller) is an industrial refrigeration unit intended for selection and removal of excess heat and maintenance of the set optimum temperature condition during the work of production equipment as well as of the engineering procedures connected with the increased thermal loads. Various solutions can be used in ACM as absorbent (for example, LiBr).

ACM is heated by hot water or steam. Process can have one or two steps. At the one-stage scheme with 1 MW of electrical energy — 600 kW of cold are developed, at two-stage scheme — 1200 kW of cold.
ACM can work in two modes: producing cold or heat. Adsorptive chillers working in adsorptive/stripping cycles and allowing to use heat energy of not very hot water (80°C — 50°C) are in a special line. It is relevant in the southern regions where the needs for cold are higher, and electrocapacities are not enough, especially during the peak loading periods.
An opportunity to make heat energy in a heating season, and cold during the summer period makes the trigeneration installation operation attractive from the economic point of view. This technology provides a full load of the gas-piston engine without reduction in heat energy consumption during a non-heating season.