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Service maintenance

MKC Group of Companies, one of the leaders in the distributed power generation industry in Russia, provides comprehensive warranty maintenance and service support for power facilities put into operation. Thanks to the availability of a modern repair base, a wide range of original spare parts and consumables, as well as a highly qualified team of service specialists, we ensure reliable and uninterrupted operation of our power plants.





High–quality service is the key to efficient power plants operation

The long–term and smooth operation of a key element of a power plant – a gas genset – depends on many factors, but first of all, on compliance with the maintenance regulations and an exclusive use of genuine components and spare parts. Amid intensive, round-the-clock operation of a gas genset, untimely maintenance and using fake spare parts can lead to a drop in the economic efficiency of a gas genset, equipment breakdown and, as a result, to enormous costs associated with the overhaul of a gas genset.

MKC relies on the regulations of gas genset manufacturing plants

MKC Group of Companies carries out maintenance of the commissioned power equipment, relying on the regulations and recommendations of the gas genset manufacturing plants, which have been developed at the design stage. Following these regulations is a key condition for the effective and long–term work of a gas genset.
When developing maintenance regulations, the main parameter to be considered is operating hours. The intervals between technical maintenance are divided into groups depending on the gas genset operating time:
Е-10 – Е-40
diagnostics and inspections
Е-50 – Е-60
average repair
Scheduled maintenance of the equipment shall be carried out strictly within the designated service intervals to ensure reliable and safe operation of a gas genset. Timely maintenance helps to identify existing malfunctions, significantly reduces operating costs, and also prolongs the service life of a gas genset power plant.

MKC meets all the requirements for providing quality maintenance of a gas genset

MKC is an official dealer and service partner of MWM

This allows us to solve the whole range of issues related not only to the supply, but also to further maintenance of gas gensets of this brand. 

MKC specialists are authorised to carry out maintenance works

MKC service engineers regularly undergo training at gas gensets manufacturing plants, which is confirmed by certificates and certifications.

MKC specialists have original service tools at their disposal

MKC possesses special maintenance and repair kits designed for each type of engine. Repair of gensets using other tools is unacceptable, as it leads to equipment failure.

MKC specialists have original spare parts and components

MKC has a warehouse of original spare parts and materials on hand supplied directly from supplier factories. This minimizes the risks of failures and long downtime in the equipment operation.

MKC has online access to the equipment catalogue and technical support databases of manufacturing plants

To ensure correct selection of spare parts, record all technological features of the equipment, manufacturing plants, as a rule, maintain databases for each type of gas genset. Access to these databases is necessary for keeping abreast of all innovations.

MKC specialists are highly experienced in servicing gas gensets of various brands

MKC Group of Companies has been providing comprehensive warranty maintenance and service support for commissioned gas genset power plants for more than 17 years. We have accumulated a wealth of experience that allows us to ensure uninterrupted operation of power plants, regardless of the location of the facility.

As part of service works, MKC offers

diagnostics (defects identification)

scheduled repair
and refurbishment 

forming a stock of spare parts, tools and accessories (SPTA)
advising the customer's operating personnel

Remote dispatching – a guarantee of prompt response to an emergency

MKC Group of Companies provides remote dispatching and monitoring of commissioned or already operating gas genset power plants. MKC Group of Companies has its own control room at its headquarters, which ensures the minimum response time of operational personnel.

Supply of original spare parts, tools and accessories 

MKC Group of Companies also provides original SPTA and components to ensure reliable operation of the supplied power equipment. We have a stock of consumables, spare parts and tools on hand for the repair of autonomous power plants. SPTA offered by the company are characterized by a diversity, a favorable price and convenient delivery conditions. Cooperating with UAE Trade houses, we have established logistics supply chains of spare parts and materials from manufacturing plants. This minimizes the risks of equipment failures.


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