Engineering design
The MKS Group of Companies offers high-quality services in the design of power facilities of various degree of complexity. Presently, the design-engineering department has developed more than 61 MPPs for customers from different regions of Russia and abroad. The design is carried out in compliance with safety standards (GOST and SNiP), regulations applicable to distributed power facilities.
The design department of the MKS Group of Companies is responsible for the creation of design solutions. It consists of highly qualified specialists, taking into account the individual requirements of the customer and the characteristics of a particular object.
From idea
final product
The design department of the MKS Group of Companies provides:

- Integrated design of power facilities 1–100 MW

- Development of documentation in terms of technological, electrical solutions, as well as automation and fire safety of energy facilities up to 100 MW

- Acting as a general design contractor

- Architectural supervision during the construction of facilities

- Customer support during the examination of project documentation

- Support and technical support in the approval of design solutions in expert organizations and local authorities of the Russian Federation
A distinctive feature of the workflow of the design department is to work in a BIM server, which allows to put everything together in a virtual mode, select the intended purpose, calculate, match and coordinate the components and systems of the future object created by different specialists simultaneously. To check the viability, functional suitability and performance of the project in one database in advance.
We offer the whole scope of mini-MPP design work:

Pre-design preparation
At this stage MKS Group of Companies’ specialists examine technical characteristics of the object, carry out engineering investigations and expert appraisal, and analyze the received data.
Developing of individual technical specifications
At this stage our professionals select and agree the most investment-worthy project option with the client, approve the most important technical solutions and the equipment to be used.
Developing of the design documentation
Design documentation includes object’s characteristics, explanatory note, required drafts of buildings and structures, utility systems and all the supply lines necessary for passing the government expert review.
Developing of engineering documentation
Engineering documentation is created in accordance with the design documentation and includes detailed plans and drafts of engineering and design solutions, as well as the list of equipment and materials’ data-sheets, and work management plan.
Creation of design specifications and estimates
Design specifications and estimates include the estimated and commercial part of the project, which defines the cost of construction works, justifies reasonability of financial, material-and-technical, and human resources expenses.
Customer support while passing the government expert review
The government expert review of the design documentation is a time-consuming and complicated process. MKS Group of Companies’ specialists possess a great experience and are familiar with all the peculiarities of preparation and support of the documentation at each stage of the review.Designing with the MKS Group of Companies is:
The MKS Group of Companies is one of the leading engineering enterprises specializing in designing and construction of the turnkey distributed energy facilities. For this purpose, following our major turnkey construction policy, we offer not only the facility design services, but also the core and complimentary power equipment design.
MKS Group of Companies performs the following scope of works:
Comprehensive design of 1 – 100 MW energy objects;
Design of the core equipment for energy facilities: co-generation units, trigeneration solutions, cooling stacks, hot-water boilers, utilizers, steam boilers, etc.;
Design of the facility’s internal and external electricity supply, as well as temporary, backup and emergency energy sources;
Design of dispatching and power plant’s engineering control systems;
Design of fire suppression and fire alarm systems;
Design of ventilation and air conditioning systems.