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Energy Centre for an Industrial Enterprise

12 MW

Branch of production
Execution type
Service maintenance

In 2017, the MKS Group of Companies put into operation a strategically important object of an own generation for the industrial enterprise of the Chelyabinsk region. The total electric capacity of the facility is 12 MW, and the thermal capacity is 12 MW.

The power plant is built according to the fixed-site construction technology (in the building). Gas genset units MWM TCG 2020 V20 in the amount of 6 units are used as the main generating equipment.

The facility is implemented at a high technical level, with the introduction of a number of innovative solutions and was highly appreciated by the customer. The facility is currently under the service maintenance of the MKS Group of Companies.

Gas generator set MWM TCG 2020 V20

Gas generator set MWM TCG 2020 V20

The optimized model is the most popular in the MWM TCG 2020 series to be used in the industrial sector.

Energy Centre for an Industrial Enterprise | 12 MW
Energy Centre for an Industrial Enterprise | 12 MW
Energy Centre for an Industrial Enterprise | 12 MW
Energy Centre for an Industrial Enterprise | 12 MW
Energy Centre for an Industrial Enterprise | 12 MW
Energy Centre for an Industrial Enterprise | 12 MW
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