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August 30, 2023, 4:11 pm

MKC hosts a "Welcome Day" for the children of the company's employees

On August 30, Chelyabinsk office of MKC held a traditional "Welcome Day" for the children of the company's employees. The young guests were offered to go through an exciting "office quest", during which they witnessed the process of developing the main product of the company, a gas genset power plant, passed tests in various departments and even got their first "salary".  Besides, the guys had a tour around Bovid business center, a photo session   in the famous glass passage, a tea party in Caramel Cafe and useful gifts from the company. 

The morning of the penultimate summer day of MKC employees' children, boys and girls, began with an unusual offer - to be employed as MKC interns. The young candidates passed an initial "job interview”, during which they were tested for intelligence, and got information about MKC Group of Companies. 

After   the official "trainee badges" were handed out, the guys were   introduced to various departments of the company and were given test trials. In Sales Department, they were taught self-presentation skills; in the design department, they were offered to design their first power plant. In Technical Planning Department, they were presented a model of mini power plant to show the components of a power plant and the way it is constructed. The experts of the department answered numerous questions of the trainees.        

The guys also visited the Control Department, where they witnessed how remote control over the operation of the power plant is carried out and completed test tasks for attentiveness. In the Department of Foreign Economic Activities, the trainees learned about the specifics of foreign trade activities and passed "the whole way" of a cargo, from one country to another.

In the Economics and Finance Department, the guys had logic tasks; in Accounting Department, they had the most pleasant part of the working day, receipt of the salary. The guys received their first "remuneration" out of the hands of the deputy chief accountant in the form of... chocolates.

The Welcome Day for the employees' kids has become a traditional MKC corporate project. Its main goal is to show children where their moms and dads work, their workplaces, and to get them acquainted with the company itself. "Who knows, perhaps some of them will become members of a large amicable MKC team", - Maria Nevolina, Head of the Public Relations Department, MKC Group of Companies, said. 

In conclusion of the Welcome Day, the guys had a tour around Bovid business center, a photo session  in the famous glass passage, a tea party in  Caramel Cafe and useful gifts from the company.

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