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December 22, 2022, 10:49 am

Power engineers are people of steel!

Power engineers are people of steel! This metaphor materialized on December 22, the Power Engineer’s Day. Since the very morning, the employees of the Chelyabinsk office of MKC Group of Companies have been greeted by their new iron colleague: a marvel of engineering and robotics.

"The future lies in distributed power generation!", "You light the way!", "Thank you for your work!" - the android robot of MKC Group of Companies chanted, moving independently around the office and congratulating the company's employees on their professional holiday.

And within the atmosphere of this festive flash mob, which caused a lot of positive emotions, an important metaphor was laid. People working in the sector of distributed power generation, especially in these difficult times of sanctions, are real heroes, people of steel, people with iron nerves and warm hearts. Super responsible and tremendously effective people. People who can handle any challenge!


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