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May 18, 2023, 3:19 pm

A charity event for orphans, “Energy of Good,” will be held in Chelyabinsk

On May 26, a unique event will take place at the Correctional Boarding School No. 9 in Chelyabinsk. For the first time, a parade of retro cars will take place on the territory of the educational institution. 100 pupils of Chelyabinsk centers for helping children left without parental care will ride in rare cars from the 50s and 60s of the last century. The event will be held as part of the annual charity event "Energy of Goodness", organized by the MKS Group of Companies with the support of partners.

100 pupils of children's institutions in Chelyabinsk will take part in the city holiday "Energy of Goodness": boarding schools No. 9 and No. 13, the social rehabilitation center of the Leninsky district, children's centers "Solnechny", "Nadezhda" and "Aistenok". These are children who have found themselves in a difficult life situation: without moms and dads, or without their care. According to the organizers, the main goal of the event is to give orphans bright emotions and broaden their horizons.

“We will be holding the “Energy of Good” festival for the eighth time. Every year we try to surprise our wards with something: we launch balloons, invite famous artists, athletes, and cosmonauts. Our main goal is to show the children what is there, what to strive for, and who to look up to. And that adults can always “lend a shoulder,” said Maxim Zagornov, Director of the MKS Group of Companies.

Cars from the oldest military-historical club in Chelyabinsk, “Division,” will take part in the parade of retro cars on the sports field of boarding school No. 9. The children will have the opportunity to ride the legendary “Volga” of 1961, sit in the cabin of the “Pobeda” of 1953, and appreciate the “smooth ride” of the famous “Moskvich.”

For a more complete immersion into the atmosphere of the 50-60s of the last century, volunteer artists led by Chelyabinsk director Svetlana Popova will interact with the children in the images of city dwellers of that time. The children will be shown Soviet toys, will play popular yard games, and will be told about the life of that time. In addition, the organizers and partners will organize a large festive concert with circus acts, an outdoor picnic, a camel ride and much more for the children.

It should be noted that the charity event "Energy of Good" has been held at boarding school No. 9 since 2013. As part of the project, the children's institution has been visited in different years by the famous strongman, holder of the title "The Strongest Man of Russia" Elbrus Nigmatullin; strength juggler, finalist of the television project "Minute of Fame" Igor Popov; Chelyabinsk jazz singer, soloist of the ensemble "Ural Dixieland Igor Burko" Kristina Ryzhkovskaya and others. Twice as part of the project, a huge balloon was launched on the sports field of the boarding school.

And in 2021, the holiday "Energy of Good" was held for the first time in the format of a citywide festival of childhood and creativity for pupils of all centers for helping children left without parental care. This year, it was decided to keep the format of a citywide project.

"Pupils from six centers for helping children left without parental care will take part in the "Energy of Good" - about 100 children. They are all looking forward to the holiday, as they know that it is guaranteed to give them unforgettable emotions," shared Svetlana Rudko, director of MBOU boarding school No. 9.

The organization of a large-scale citywide charity event "Energy of Good" was made possible thanks to the support of companies that became full co-organizers of the project: the construction company "NIKS", the company "Soyuzpishchprom", the network of clinics "Linline", the Chelyabinsk zinc plant, the Chelyabinsk forge and press plant, the group of companies "Mikar", which includes the plant of heavy-duty trailer equipment "Politrans", the advertising and production group "Giraf pro", the company "Moy Shar", ANO for the development of regional cinema and creative industries. The media partner of the project was the media group "Komsomolskaya Pravda - Chelyabinsk". If you want to join "Energy of Good" and contribute to the organization of the holiday as partners or volunteers of the project, please contact the organizing committee of the project: 8 904 81 35 383, coo@energo-union.com

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