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November 12, 2024

Repair of the GPU

Learn how to properly maintain and repair a gas piston plant to avoid performance problems. This article covers key aspects including mini power plant repair and diagnosing a fouled heat exchanger. Get expert advice and learn how to extend the life of your equipment.

October 11, 2024

Power Plant Rental

The cost of electricity for enterprises is constantly rising and it is becoming increasingly difficult for enterprises to cover these costs. The electricity tariff for companies will rise again in 2025, which makes it necessary to find efficient solutions. In this context, renting a power plant or generating electricity in-house are becoming extremely favorable options.

September 13, 2024

Energy service contracts: How to reduce energy supply costs without investment

Modern companies are faced with the need to optimize energy costs. Constant growth of electricity tariffs, strict environmental standards and the need to improve energy efficiency force companies to look for innovative solutions. However, not every company can afford large investments in the modernization of the energy system. In such cases, the energy service contract comes to the rescue, which allows to get significant savings without initial financial investments.

September 23, 2022


A compressor is a technical device that is designed to compress air and gases to a certain pressure (pressure unit - bar) with the required capacity (nm3/min). Compressors are used in many areas of life. Types of air compressors: screw compressors, scroll compressors, piston compressors, booster compressors.

Screw compressors are used in technical processes that require a constant, uninterrupted supply of compressed air with a pressure range from 7-40 bar and a capacity from 0.4m3/min to any maximum value, this value is achieved by increasing the number of compressor units;

September 23, 2022

What is a compressor station

The compressor station is a product in full factory readiness for supplying the enterprise with compressed air, including all necessary equipment at the customer's request: (compressor units, air treatment system, capacitive equipment, automation system, power supply system, fire alarm system, ventilation system, piping with condensate drainage system). The compressor station can be manufactured in various versions: in a block box; on a base frame, with installation in the customer's premises; mobile on the basis of a cargo trailer.

December 21, 2021

Traditions, Innovations, Development: 150th Anniversary of MWM

The year 2021 was marked by the 150th anniversary of MWM. A synthesis of traditions, innovations, and aspiration for constant development has turned MWM into one of the most well-known in the field of gas engines and gensets. For several generations, the high professionalism and enthusiasm of the team members have been the main secrets of MWM's success. Through their efforts, they have made a significant contribution to the development of unique products under the MWM brand, which are in demand all over the world today. MWM has been cooperating with the MKC Group of Companies for more than 10 years. In 2017, MKC became the first in the Urals and the third in Russia company to receive the status of an official distributor and service partner of MWM. In this article, we recall the milestones in the legendary history of MWM, how cooperation between our companies was built, and what was the main result of the technological collaboration between MWM and MKC.

October 2, 2020

History of cooperation between ISS and MWM

In this article we will tell you about the technological collaboration between MKS Group and the German brand MWM. For about 10 years, the companies have been implementing innovative energy projects in the field of distributed generation, helping Russian businesses to save on energy resources. In 2017, MKS Group became an official MWM distributor and in a short period of time took the leading position in the MWM distribution network in Russia.

June 15, 2020

Trigeneration. What is it?

In this article we will understand what trigeneration is in the modern power industry, what is the principle of operation of trigeneration plants, in what areas trigeneration is used, what are its advantages and how trigeneration increases the efficiency of enterprises.

May 25, 2020

Distributed energy. What is it?

Small-scale distributed power generation has been the leading trend in global energy development for several decades and, according to experts, this trend will continue in the next decade. In this review we will consider what small-scale distributed energy is, what is the potential for its development in Russia and the world, what technologies of distributed generation exist and what are the key advantages of small-scale energy over large-scale energy.

April 30, 2020

What are gas turbine power plants

In this review we will consider what gas turbine power plants are, what is the standard device and principle of operation of gas turbine power plants, areas of use and the main types of gas turbine power plants. We will also look at the distinctive features of gas turbine and gas piston power plants.

April 27, 2020

A diesel power plant. What is it?

Despite the fact that the global market for distributed energy technologies is growing at a rate of about 6-9% per year, solar and wind generation are actively developing, diesel power plants remain one of the most in-demand autonomous power supply systems, especially in remote and Arctic territories. In this review, we will figure out what DES is, what advantages and disadvantages it has, and what is the secret of its undying popularity.

February 25, 2020

Cogeneration. What it is?

In this article we will look at cogeneration in the modern electric power industry, figure out what is the principle of operation of cogeneration plants (CHP), see what innovative engineering solutions exist in the design of cogeneration facilities, how CHPs increase the efficiency of enterprises and what is the difference between cogeneration and trigeneration.

February 18, 2020

What is an energy service contract

In this article we will understand what an energy service contract in small distributed energy sector is, what types of energy service contracts exist, what are the obvious advantages for investors and consumers, what are the conditions of implementation and economics of the energy service contract, as well as in which  regions it is most profitable to implement such a scheme of cooperation.

January 8, 2020

Mini-thermal power plant. What is it?

Mini-CHP (small combined heat and power) plants are compact, autonomous power stations that generate heat and electricity. They are widely used across various industries due to their efficiency and reliability. This article explores the applications of mini-CHP plants, their placement options, the fuels they use, the construction process, and the key benefits they provide

December 16, 2019

What benefits does your own electricity generation provide to an enterprise?

In this article, we will look at what the main advantages an enterprise receives with the commissioning of its own generation facility, what is the amount of investment in its own mini-thermal power plant, construction time and payback period of the facility. In addition, we will find out what level of professional competence an engineering company engaged in the construction of a turnkey mini-thermal power plant for a customer should have.

December 13, 2019

What are gas piston power plants

In this review we will consider what a gas piston power plant is, what is the standard device and the principle of operation of the GPPP, on what fuel gas piston plants operate, what types of power plants exist, what are the key stages of construction of the GPPP and what you need to consider first of all, if you decide to build your own generation facility.

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